Educational & Spiritual Activities (ESA)


The goal of GASSC Educational Activity is to promote and provide assistance in continuing education, domain knowledge, and skills for its members. This program addresses the needs of members who wish to update, upgrade, or learn totally new domain knowledge and skills for changing their professional profile to continue being employed. The Education Activity also includes an initiative to institute and maintain a Golden Agers Mentoring program along with a hiring and internship referral service.

The objectives, key success factors, and tactical activity plan for 2018 is provided below.


  • Provide a 'Mentee Portal' on education, domain knowledge, and skills - Inbound
  • Provide a 'Mentoring Portal' on education, domain knowledge, and skills - Outbound
  • Build alliances for hiring and intern opportunities
  • Build a team of Service Providers (sevaka) for educational activities
  • Create 'Mailing List' for educational activities
  • Maintain an up to date status of ESA tab on GASSC website

Success Factors

  • Promotion of Educational Activity
  • Effectiveness of Service Providers (sevaka)
  • Signup of mentors for mentees
  • Signup of mentees for mentors
  • Signup of alliances for referrals
  • Signup of Service Providers (sevaka)

2018 Activity Plan

  1. Create Service Provider job description
  2. Promote Service Provider requirement
  3. Identify the Service Provider leader to manage the Service Provisioning program
  4. Conduct initial and periodic Service Provider signup program
  5. Create the Service Provider team with specific defined service (responsibilities)
  6. Identity mentors for at least two areas of education, domain knowledge, and skills
  7. Create ‘Mentor-Mentee’ rules of engagement
  8. Promote mentors on ‘Mentor Platform’
  9. Create Mentee Registration Form
  10. Create list of potential employers for hiring and internships
  11. Create mailing list for educational activities
  12. Create quarterly report of ESA activities for GASSC leadership team


The goal of GASSC Spiritual Activity is to promote and provide assistance to spiritual and vaanaprastha aashrama practitioners during their Golden age. This program also intends to promote the overall well-being of members in their quest for inner peace, contentment, and joy. Key objectives include spiritual mentoring, practical application, forming study groups and sathsanghs to understand and apply principles of vedhaantha and yoga.

The objectives, key success factors, and tactical activity plan for 2018 is provided below.


  • Create a Mentoring Portal for spirituality
  • Create a portal for practice of vaanaprastha aashrama
  • Be a communication bridge for sanathana Dharma principles and practice
  • Provide a platform to familiarize, learn, or study vedhic scriptures
  • Build alliances with agencies who promote spirituality and study of vedhic scriptures
  • Encourage satellite sathsanghs in key Bay Area cities
  • Create mailing list of spiritual seekers

Success Factors

  • Promotion of spiritual activities
  • Effectiveness of Service Providers
  • Signup of mentors and spiritual seekers
  • Signup of Service Providers
  • Signup for sathsanghs

2018 Activity Plan

  1. Enlist mentors of spirituality and identify their topics specialization
  2. Offer lectures of mentors periodically
  3. Host communication platform for spiritual discussions such as blogs, WhatsApp, Skype, and other media
  4. Start a repository for spiritual literature in physical and digital formats
  5. Enlist Service Providers for various programs of spirituality
  6. Offer academic courses on vedhaantha, yoga, and spiritual principles
  7. Create self-study groups for vedhaantha literature such as bhagavadh geetha, upanishadhs, and pathanjali yoga soothra
  8. Create 'Rules of Engagement' for sathsanghs
  9. Initiate and support at least three satellite sathsanghs in greater Bay Area territory
  10. Create mailing list