Serving the community at large by making a difference in the lives of needy people is one of the important functions of the HCCC (Hindu Community and Cultural Center). Such activities are covered under Human Services. The HCCC strongly preaches in "Serving God by Serving Humanity" and practices it as its motto. In the past years, several social programs were successfully executed on different occasions. These activities range from assisting needy people and supporting student education activities to providing relief for victims of natural disasters.

The Human Services committee organizes such programs with the help of kind-hearted donors and dedicated volunteers, who are willing to donate their time and resources for such noble causes.

If you could spare a few hours a week and donate your valuable time (Volunteer) or resources (Donations) to serve the community, we warmly welcome you onboard.


The scope of the projects conducted is mostly limited by the available resources. However, all projects and events require pre-approval by the HCCC board and will be conducted with in the frame work of its policies.

The following is a list of projects identified by the Human Services. Every year some of these projects or events are being executed routinely based upon the need for specific occasion and available resources and space. The committee appreciates motivated individuals identifying and conducting similar projects in different areas of public need and interest.

  • Food programs for the needy
  • Distribution of clothing, blankets, and toys.
  • Senior activities and program for seniors.
  • Support to other non-profit organizations dedicated to human services ....Application
  • Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner (Livermore and in Bay area)
  • Health Advisory and Education Center on HCCC Premises ....FAQ's.
  • Health classes such as Yoga and/or meditation.
  • Health drives such as blood donation and bone marrow.
  • Donation of learning material to schools and libraries such as computers and books.
  • Scholarships for gifted but needy students globally.
  • Donations to victims of Natural Disaster globally.
  • Funeral Services for devotees upon request.
  • Prayer or Puja for critically ill upon request.


The Human Services Committee is an integral part of HCCC and is chartered with the responsibility of serving the communities locally and globally on a need basis. HCCC board is the governing body for all Human Services activities.

Hindu Community & Cultural Center (HCCC) will strive to meet the Human Services needs of the worldwide community irrespective of religion, race, and cultural identity depending upon the available funds, on a priority and need basis.

HCCC allocates limited amount of funds each year for supporting eligible organizations engaged strictly in Human Service functions. Recipient organizations will be required to disclose the affiliations with other organizations to enable HCCC to determine their eligibility to receive HCCC charity funds.

Human Service projects are mainly aimed at basic human needs as food, shelter, medical and educational purposes. All of its funds will be spent in these areas only. Any deviation from this requires the approval from HCCC.

HCCC approves Human Service projects anywhere on the globe without geographical limitations. Human Services Committee strives hard to create reliable ways and means so that the projects are well executed and funds are 100% utilized on the targeted project.

Human Services Committee welcomes the association of individuals and groups who would like to identify, donate and execute projects for human cause within its spectrum of coverage.


Free, Accessible Kidney Disease Screening Sunday April 23, 2023
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Thirumala Hall
Free, Accessible Kidney Disease Screening
Blood Drive Sunday, May 21st, 2023
11:00 AM - 3:15 PM at Tirumala Room
Blood Drive
Weekly in person Yoga Classes Starting September 24th, 2022
Every Sunday 8.00 AM to 9.00 AM
Weekly in person Yoga Classes
HCCC Human Services Giving Back to the community HCCC Human Services
Free Health Advisory Services Every Saturday from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Free Health Advisory Services
Program for Seniors Online 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Program for Seniors


Q. What kind of services are provided?
A. Basic health screening advisory services covering basic diagnostics such as blood pressure, heart beat, breathing check, visual inspection of ear, nose and throat and similar checks which does not require any kind of special equipment.

Q. How about laboratory test?
A. No laboratory tests will be conducted. The doctors will not draw blood at all.

Q. Can a visiting devotee receive treatment for an ailment or sickness?
A. No. the center is intended provide preventive health care and general health check ups only. The visitor must find his own medical aid channels for such services, if he desires.

.Q. Does the doctor prescribe drugs and distribute sample medicines?
A. No. No prescriptions will be given. May advise those available over the counter only.

Q. Are the doctors licensed physicians?
A. All medical experts are California licensed physicians and are volunteering their time for this cause.

Q. Would the individual be referred to any clinic or hospital?
A. The visitors will be given the results and recommendations. The visitor is at liberty to do what he chooses to.

Q. Any charges to be paid by the visiting devotee?
A. None. It is a free service provided by Hindu Community and Cultural Center for the benefit of visiting devotees. No cost and no insurance requirements. However, the visitors are welcome to donate generously in cash and kind to run such charity services.

Q. What is a consent form?
A. Every visitor must fill a consent form, sign and submit to the person in-charge authorizing the physician medical screening and examination. Such consent should be signed off after reading all items on the form and it is mandatory for any visitor.

Q. What are the timings?
A. Every Saturday 12pm to 2pm

Q. Does this center also deal with temple medical emergencies?
A. It is not the objective of this center to deal with temple emergencies. However, if the attending physician is available, upon request he may choose to do first aid until 911 response arrives.

Q. Who can receive such services?
A. The services are meant for visiting devotees and their friends and relatives. However, the center is open to all independent of any restrictions.

Q. Is it required to take an appointment?
A. No it is a walk-in health center. The visitors are expected to walk-in and fill a consent form and wait for their turn.

Donation in Kind

Q. What kind of donations are accepted in kind?
A. At the present time we are accepting only clothing and toys and blankets all in GOOD condition only. Human Service volunteers will discard defective and excessively used items at the time of screening. Please help us by donating items in good condition.

Q. Where can I bring them to donate?
A. We have placed a collection bin in the Assembly Hall at the entrance. Please drop them in the collection box.

Q. Where do you distribute them?
A. Most of the women clothing such as sarees and some men's clothing and toys will be sent to any where in India for distribution to the needy people. The rest will be distributed locally to the needy people at shelter homes and through charity trusts. Such distribution is done to any needy person or organization independent of race, religion and regional discrimination.

Thank You, for your support!

The Human Services Committee would to like to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to those who have volunteered and are providing their services and untiring support in the hope of assisting the communities locally and globally. We are continually looking for volunteers and volunteering physicians to support our activities in the areas of project execution, fund raising and health advisory. The following is a list of a few of our volunteers. If you would like to be volunteer you are most welcome and your service is appreciated.

  • Venu Surakanti - Chairman
  • Murali Swaminathan - President
  • Usha Ramaswamy - BOD Liaison
  • Shyamala Venkateswaran- EC Chair
  • Suman Jain
  • Padmaja Madhusudan
  • Saha Bode
  • Raji Ramakrishnan
  • Sathya Raghu
  • Pranati Manava
  • Manoj Srivatsava
  • Jyothi Sarma
  • Anand Gundu
  • Vamsi Pulapa
  • Bhaskar Swaminathan
  • Geetha Haravu
  • Kamlesh Jain
Volunteering Physicians
  • Dr. R Ravinder Kumar
  • Dr. James Patel
  • Dr. Kayal Sambandam
  • Dr. Vuppa Ramesh
  • Dr. Arunasri Kelleti
  • Dr. Neel Palakurthy
  • Dr. Yasminah Shabbar
  • Dr. Sharda Patel
  • Dr. Chitgopekar
  • Dr. Uma Patel
  • Dr. Ratika Sharma
  • Dr. Manjula Reddy
  • Dr. Murali Golconda
  • Dr. Kiran Kapila
  • Dr. Rishi Kapila
  • Dr. Sampath Ramakrishana
  • Dr. Sankari Kasi
  • Dr. Elena Lopez
  • Jyoti Saboo - Physical Therapist
  • Surekha Pol - Physical Therapist
  • Asha Bajaj - Physical Therapist
  • Mala Seshagiri - Nutritionist
  • Rini Johar - Homeopathy
  • Dhira Gupta - Ayurveda
  • Bhuvana Himakuntala
  • Rashana Sharma
  • Dr. Namitha Agarwal
  • Dr. Sneha Kishore
  • Preeti Gupta Ayurveda
Volunteering Non-Profit Organisations
  • South Asian Heart Association
  • Samaj Saves Lives
  • Stanford Asian Liver Cancer Center
  • US 2020 Census Recruiting Awareness
  • National Bone Marrow Institute


We welcome you to express your kindness in word and spirit by joining hands with us. You can make your mighty contribution in many ways, by way of offering your services and being a volunteer, by identifying and conducting special programs to the needy and by making donations in cash and kind. All donations are fully tax deductible.

By Cash:
Cash donations may be offered at the front desk in the administrative building. Please make sure to inform at the desk that the funds are to be earmarked for Human Services.

By Check:
Donations by check can be made favoring "HCCC" with a note at the bottom of the check " For Human Services". Please mail the check to Hindu Community & Cultural Center, 1232 Arrowhead Ave, Livermore, CA - 94551. Your receipt can be printed at your end by logging into your account on Livermoretemple.org. In case you need a receipt mailed out do attach a note with the check requesting for a receipt and it will be mailed out to you at the mailing address recorded with us.

By Kind:
Donations may be offered in the form of food in sealed tins where the expiry date is at least 6 months from the date of donation. This can be placed in the bins available in the lobby of the Akella Assembly Hall situated behind the temple.

Auto Donations:
In case you wish to donate any old cars do sell it to an auto dealer and donate the proceeds of the sale to the temple Please note donations made in any form are tax deductible.


Please feel free to contact any one of the following individuals regarding Human Services activities:

Name Phone E-Mail
Usha Ramaswamy (Board Liaison) 408-421-5647 uvrsolutions@gmail.com
Shyamala Venkateswaran (EC chair Human Services) 408-375-4684 ec_human_services@livermoretemple.org
Suman Jain (Member) 925-371-5640 suman1218@yahoo.com